12 November 2012

Nail Caviar!

So for a while I've been keeping Ciate on my wish list for Christmas! At £18 a pop, it's just a little expensive for everyday nail polish and beads. Anyway, what is Nail Caviar you may ask? Just as it sounds: Caviar on your nails! The cute new nail art is the next big thing in the nail world, and luckily a couple of other retailers have launched their own cheaper versions of the set. Of course you can buy the real deal from Ciate.co.uk or Selfridges.com, they have many different colour schemes on offer, I particularly like the Candy Shop Colour, available from Selfridges-

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Yesterday, however, I got my hands on a small set from Primark at a fraction of the price! It was only £2.50 and is Black. It looks just as good as the real deal! Hopefully Primark launch more colours, otherwise I'll be having some of the Ciate stuff! They are really easy to do and I have included a step by step picture below! Happy Nail Painting!
Love Coco xox

I do not own any rights to the pictures used, and they are used for demonstrative purposes only.
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  1. i have to try this! i love the whole idea, but i just worry with how awful i am with nail varnish that it would chip in seconds! lovely blog! xxx

    1. If you put a top coat on top, I'm sure it wouldn't chip. Thanks for the comment! I get so excited by them :)

    2. I doesn't chip, sometimes the small beads fall off, but if you allow them to completely dry and then apply the top coat there like Maisy said, there is no problem!

  2. I love the nail beads, they look so effective, glad you got a cheaper version from Primarni :)


    1. super cute! they're just like sprinkles!


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